HR Proactive Inc.

We can help with your commitment to build and maintain a respectful workplace.

HR Proactive was founded in 1997 by human rights specialist Diane E. Mason and specializes in helping small companies to large corporations with their legal responsibilities as employers.

Our health and safety training products meet legislative requirements to ensure compliance with work-related laws.

HR Proactive’s most popular health and safety training topics include: prevent harassment, bullying & violence; prevent sexual harassment; WHMIS 2015 GHS; accessibility standards including customer service; supervisor and worker safety awareness training. Our “Young Workers Safety” provides employers the tools required to provide instruction to new and young workers on how to protect their health and safety in the workplace.

For employers who wish to facilitate in-house group training sessions for their workers, HR Proactive offers “off-the-shelf” training kits complete with a video DVD (other formats available), Leader Guide, Participant Guide, PowerPoint presentation, Quiz and Quiz key, Generic Policy and Certificate of Completion. Supplemental materials are also included in specific training kits.

For employers who wish to offer their workers the convenience of 24/7 online training, our health and safety topics are also available as comprehensive, interactive eLearning programs with trackability, built-in quiz and a Certificate of Completion.

For employers who wish to provide their workers with several training modules, consider a customizable online training centre to house a combination of our health and safety training topics in eLearning or video format. Workers can access at their convenience and learn at their own pace. Additional features include bookmarking and trackability.

Purchase options include: SCORM compliant package; hosting on your LMS or ours; purchase of individual log-ins/passwords.

For employers who need to address a complaint(s) of human rights, discrimination or harassment in the workplace, HR Proactive provides neutral, third-party investigations. Our thorough and detailed investigation report will assess if the evidence supports a finding in violation of workplace policies; the Occupational Health and Safety Act; and/or the Ontario Human Rights Code.

HR Proactive also offers full-day instructor-led training for managers, human resources personnel or those responsible for conducting internal investigations in response to a complaint of harassment or discrimination.

HR Proactive’s training products and services are focused on creating respectful and safe workplaces for all workers.

Contact HR Proactive Inc. about your workplace remedial training needs.


HR Proactive has a number of training solutions to address inappropriate conduct in the workplace.

HR Proactive Inc. is a progressive, dynamic consultancy business with extensive experience in providing human resources/human rights related services and products.